Recherche et développement au service de la santé

Visual rehabilitation devices and methodologies




Mask Mask




Our eyes are the essential elements of our life. We find it normal to wear glasses, but most of the time there are methods, supported by high-tech devices, that can solve the problems and remove the crutch from the glasses.

Eye fatigue linked to the stress of our life assaults our eyes. The artificial lights, the working position and the fact of only looking at short distances, titanize our eyes. Regardless of the loss of sharpness, it can also lead to headaches, difficulty falling asleep, tension that can be expressed either through aggression with loved ones or through depression. Not to mention the back pain that accompanies this perpetual tension.

We have put together for you the best of the methods that we have concentrated in an eBook, but also a selection of devices that will help you re-educate your vision but also relax you.

For this, we offer 3 complementary products:

  • An eye rehabilitation kit consisting of the book, listening frequencies of frequency medicine and Stenopeic glasses.
  • A relaxation mask to release the tensions accumulated during the day. The technology employed uses vibrating pressure exerted on specific points in correspondence with acupuncture to relax and stimulate the visual system as well as local blood circulation. It also has an infrared system to relax and warm your eyes with gentle filtering heat. It consequently helps to reduce or even eliminate bags under the eyes as well as wrinkles.


Come and discover them.



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